Teachable Machine

Fra Coding Pirates Wiki
Version fra 23. maj 2024, 11:36 af Anders G. (diskussion | bidrag) Anders G. (diskussion | bidrag) (Ændret overskrift)
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Teachable Machine er et super nemt og lærerigt værktøj for både børn og voksne! Du kan træne en "machine learning model" (AI) på få minutter ved hjælp af billeder eller lyde. Modellen kan eksporteres og bruges med eksempelvis PictoBlox, Python eller Javascript.

Teachable Machine kan anvendes direkte i browseren: https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/

Se de korte vejledningsvideoer for detaljerede instruktioner:

Teachable Machine Tutorials

Tutorial Creator Description
Bananameter Google Detect the ripeness of a banana using the webcam
Snap, Clap, Whistle Google Detect snaps, claps, and whistles using audio clips
Head Tilt Google Detect which way my head is tilted with pose detection
Arduino Tiny Sorter Google Use Arduino and TM to develop an ML robot which can sort an item by category
Teachable Arcade Ryan Mather Lesson Plan using Teachable Machine
Emotion Detector Digital Technologies Hub AU Can AI guess your emotion?
Gesture based Instagram Liker USACS GitHub Create an ML program which automatically likes posts on your Instagram feed when you show a thumbs up
Image Classifier on Raspberry Pi Adafruit Create an Image Classifier and set it up to run with a Raspberry Pi controller and camera
Integrate TM with Raspberry Pi Michael D'Argenio Develop a soft drink flavor detector with TM and set it up to work with a Raspberry Pi Camera
Develop web app using TM and p5.js The Coding Train Create an Image Classification model with TM and integrate it into a web app using p5.js